Friday, November 25, 2011
do you feel
i don't know how to be angry
i smile and usually laugh during sad situations
and cry after a movie's happy ending.
when i get angry, i'm only angry for a split second,
and then i either shrug it off or nearly cry.
this makes me want to cry.
everything makes me want to cry today.
i don't like it.
Monday, August 29, 2011
you know that feeling,
where the pit of your heart feels like it's being pulled down into some dark, dark hole...
so far that you lose your breath and it feels like suffocation,
like your entire body just freezes up and dies..
you squeeze your eyes tight-- try to keep the tears from falling out
and you can't do anything but try to catch your breath and
hope it won't happen again because it just hurts. so. fucking. much.
there's nothing you can do about it;
whatever you tell yourself to try to make you feel better doesn't work.
you're heart knows the truth and you can't convince your heart the
same way that your mind might be tricked.
all you can do is say sorry. over and over.
then wait and just hope this pain will go away.
but it won't, at least not until i can somehow take yours away.
unfortunately, sorry just isn't enough.
Friday, July 29, 2011
i don't know what i can do to convince you that i love you.
do you want me to completely cut off ties to all the guys i know?
because you know, i'd do that for you.
i told you i would change
but that would mean i would lose most of my friends.
i don't know what to do.
alcohol turns you into a monster i cannot tame.
Monday, July 25, 2011
this feeling
whenever i'm next to you..
i don't know how to interpret is.
when i'm looking into your eyes
it feels like heartbreak
it takes hold of it and squeezes all life out of it.
i have to hold my breath and turn my face away from you
while my heart drops down into my gut.
i bury my face into my pillow as i try to hold back the tears
that choke me.
but i don't understand,
this isn't how i feel.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
let's rewind, back two years ago
when we were drunk on the 6800block,
just walking around. It doesn't matter where we were going.
Do you remember our conversation?
I do. I was complaining loudly about how nobody loved me,
and that nobody ever would.
Jump back a little, back home in Union City,
where we were getting pho together.
Umma sighing, contemplating the day where it wouldn't be just the three of us,
but two more people eating lunch with us.
She asked, jokingly, if you thought i would ever find someone to love me.
You replied no.
We laughed, but secretly i believed it.
Jump back to a couple months ago, then look at where i am now.
Me, the girl who never thought she was capable of letting anyone in,
let alone finding someone that would even like her enough,
is struggling to keep someone who is being eaten up with jealousy.
When did i become this girl? When did i become capable of driving someone this crazy?
Since when did my behavior towards my friends, my guy friends, become flirtatious?
How long has it been since i've been recognized as a feminine creature towards the opposite sex?
I can't answer these questions. It's still hard for me to even believe these truths,
but here we are. Once again, trying to work things out.
Heartbreak, heartache. I just want us to be happy.
I just want you to trust me,
have faith in me. And know that i wouldn't ever try to let you down.
Who do you think i am?
How could you compare me to those girls from your past?
I wish we could just have a chance to sit down and talk for hours.
Let me tell you about how I've been raised, with my oppas warning me about the evils of man,
never to trust them, that they're only out for one thing.
And i've lived by those teachings, no matter how much i tried to shrug them off.
But for once this is such a different issue,
this time i'm untrustworthy?
This is so exhausting,
but i'm going to keep fighting.
I'm probably an idiot. For so many reasons.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
is my love not enough?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
love whiplash
Monday, April 11, 2011
so insane
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
spring quarter has begun
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
i know we don't talk much
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
just so you know
Sunday, March 6, 2011
all those things you said
if distance is what you need
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
something i realized last night
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
words of wisdom

Friday, February 18, 2011
this barrier
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
two and a half years ago.
living back in this little town
called isla vista.
a town beautiful within its grime and imperfection..
but why do i still feel alone
why do you affect me so much
you shouldn't be able to consume my thoughts this much.
is this all apart of that chase we are so addicted to?
whatever it is,
i want it to stop.
i just want to be content.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
don't get me wrong,
but i'm feeling a bit gloomy.
Not quite sure why.
My thoughts keep wandering back to Friday night,
when my mind continued to scream at me
"What is this?
I still don't know.
and knowing me
i probably will never know.