Saturday, September 6, 2008


there's so much more to moving than just packing clothes.

i need closure with the people i'm leaving
all the things that should be said need to be said
and all the things that need to be done, done.

i can't let this happen like last time

i went dorm shopping
so much stuff.

since i'm going through all my old stuff,
i've decided to post a random old picture everyday from now on.

so here's today's:

august 6, 2005:

the one year i was actually in the states to celebrate maureen's birthday.
after having dinner at the cheesecake factory in SF,
rosie, sylvea and i decided to stay in the city a little longer to shop around
i guess we had to transfer trains on our way home,
because this is us sitting on the stairs of a random station, waiting for the fremont train to come.
i remember i took my chocolate cake home to-go
and the whipped cream on it started to liquify and get all sticky nasty so i threw it away.

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