Monday, September 1, 2008

moon river,

wider than a mile.

i'm feeling those feelings again. you know, those melancholy feelings you get when it's real late at night and you just start thinking thoughts that just make you feel all down and blue. not to mention, my stomach really hurts, and i can't find a thing. my original plan for this post was to post a photoblog of the awesomeness of the past two days. unfortunately, i could not find the connecter cable for my camera and the computer. i swear, i looked everything for that thing. i asked my brother for his, since he has the same exact camera, and of course, he doesn't know where his is either. shucks.

it's strange, i'm actually sort of missing having to write essays. i feel like my abilities to write have been forgotten, and all i have left is what i've learned in elementary school. i barely know any high school level vocabulary words anymore. even my speaking has gotten worse. i'm beginning to develop this strange korean accent, confusing my l's for r's, constantly using spoonerisms, like wain geight, and himps and pos. it's very unfortunate. i'm really hoping that college will get me back on track; maybe it's just the summertime. i remember if this happened every summer. oh! that's another thing- i can't remember anything!

my brain is mush.

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