Monday, September 29, 2008

bicycle, bicycle

state street
it's a mouse on a cat on a dog!
great show.
biking home.

crossing the streetlooking out the keyhole

i'm sick.
and pre-menstrual.
get out.

waiting for my rocket to come

this is where i live
here's the view of where i live from the bus stop
this is what i see in front of me at the bus stop
this is behind me.

it's not very scenic.
this is the view from someone elses room in a different hall,
one much closer to campus.
and with a much more scenic view.

here is alvin in a dress.
back in '06.

college classes are overrated.
i was excited for nothing.
but i do love history 2a- world history.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

naked voices

ucsb's co-ed acapella group:


got a bike today
a sweet little cruiser,
light blue with a white basket.

the school's improv troupe performed in our hall,
they are pretty sweet.
i want to try out,
but for some reason i feel really intimidated by them.
this is coming from three years of experience
and being co captain of our troupe last year.

first day of school tomorrow.
nervous/excited/thinking, "finally!"

i don't even know where my second class is..
all i know
is that it's all the way across campus from my first class,
and i have fifteen minutes to get there.

i have yet to find a church/a fellowship/any Christians.
last night i walked past a korean campus crusade for christ meeting,
but didn't go in.
i feel a bit horrible about it.

God, help me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

swing life away

what do i do on my first day?
jump off a building!

we were walking by some apartments
and i saw a guy standing on his roof,
and then jumping off onto a tiny piece of wood tied to a tree.

his friend asked if anyone else wanted to
and i remembered a speech i heard yesterday
the guy told us to try everything,


got up on the roof.. grabbed the block, which was as big as my forearm,stood there for about ten minutes, swearing have having second thoughs..
but i did it! i mean,
i couldn't climb up the roof
just to climb back down with my tail between my legs.

the guy in the green told me that i was the second girl to ever go on it.

Monday, September 22, 2008


my roommate is great.
we have a lot in common,
it's kind of creepy how much we have in common.

the food is eh,
but it's a helluva lot better than high school food.

the people are pretty nice,
i haven't met many people yet,
but i did have milk and cookies in renee&angela's room.

we're going to kmart tomorrowto pick up stuff we need
and i'm going to look for classes,
maybe get a bike..

i wish i brought more stuff to decorate.
after living in such a crazy looking room,
these white walls are so bare.
i miss my posters and my deer and abe.

my side of the room
that's my roommate, nancy
my desk. i just put a big korean flag over it.
idon't know why that's the only decoration i brought..

distractions from last night.

i'm not so sad that i'm here.
i figure, it's just like another trip i'm on.
in just two months, i'll be home for a couple days,
and in december,
i'll be back for more days.

it's just a matter of time.

the end.

this is it--
my last week in the bay.
a well spent week.

so we don't forget our names..

last time in El Diablo. sadface.

-Wednesday- get a new phone, Burn After Reading
-dinner with cousins on Thursday
-errands on Friday, church, then Los Gallos
-my aunt's wedding on Saturday

rose petalsbeauty queen smile

Thursday, September 18, 2008


i can't believe i'm leaving.
it's kind of just starting to hit me.
i realized,
there's still so much i need to do,
people to see,
things to buy.
friday is the last day i have to do what i need to do.

freaked out.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


thursday night: campout in my backyard
"jump back!"
a typical friday night: worship, then grab a bite at Nation's
Saturday: river rafting!
Sunday: church's 19th anniversary,
celebrate it with some pastries.
Sunday afteroon: get YoSwirl on!
some girl had a puppet stickin out of her car. great stuff.
Monday afternoon: shopping in the city.
Monday morning: LUCY HAD PUPPIES!
right under me. (under the couch i was sleeping on)
tiny little rats.

Liddle Snacks!

to conclude,
my new necklace, courtesy of my father, Yu Lee.

*note: it has nothing to do with the skate crew of the same name. this is for when i move down south, to show those kids where i'm from.

Monday, September 15, 2008

to: you

At first, I thought there might have been more to you than what everyone just saw.
Later, I hoped and hoped this wasn't it.
Then, my mind just pushed aside the truth and I made myself think that all I had was all I would get.
Now I know.

There's not much more to it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


old picture(s) of the day:

October 7th, 2005: a random day at my house, after school.
My house used to be (and still pretty much is) a hangout for my friends and i when we are bored. on this particular day, we (hufsa, rosie, sylvea, and i) found my glass coffee table amazingly entertaining. i think we spent a good hour acting like we were trapped under the glass, pressing our faces against the glass and just having a jolly good time.

tops off

went to the drive-in last night
got the hard top off my car.
we were so cool,
until the sun started going down,
and then the temperature started getting cold.
i brought blankets galore.
maureen, a bit unsure of my drivingwhileposingforthecamera skills.
eh, good enough.
sun's coming down
got cold, put our jackets on
david, probably telling afsheen about the highs of life.