Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Rocket Summer

During my freshman year of high school,

i found out about Bryce Avary's band through my friend Gail,

who i met in P.E.

I remember her giving me a mix cd in the locker room one day.

To this day, a bunch of the artists on that cd are still some of my favorites,

but the Rocket Summer really stuck to me.

It amazes me, being able to listen to the albums

"Calendar Days" and "Hello, Good Friend" today,

six years after falling in love with them,

and still have them evoke the same emotions as they did back then.

His lyrics can either be super real and applicable to life,

or just be so cutesy-cheesy-full of so much love that for a second i forget about being a cynic and just allow myself to dream about having a love like the ones described in his songs.

Even though my life has changed, as well as my perspectives on life,

The Rocket Summer is still one of my favorite bands..

one of those bands that i love to listen to while driving long distances,

on full volume, singing along loudly and badly.

1 comment:

Ashley Bell said...

Hi Jennifer, love yr entries on yr blog - surprised u've no other comments. Note u follow a blog called "poop" so assume u r a 'modern gal' like me!