Sunday, March 15, 2009

i was born (a unicorn)

i was thinking about making a birthday list.
in fact, i actually did make one.
it looked pretty cool
i drew pictures and everything.
and then i realized
there was no point to it.
all it would do is raise my expectancy for presents.
i didn't even think about birthday presents until recently.
i don't want to expect people to get me anything at all.
a good day will just be a sunny, carefree day.
thank goodness finals will be over.

but until then,
i will be studying.
today iwas in the library from 2-10pm.
it was pretty horrible, but extremely productive.
the worst thing about it though,
was not having anyone to talk to.
all i wanted to do was utter a couple of useless words to someone,
but there was no one i knew that was on the fourth floor of the davidson library.
in the midst of all those people.

i thought of a poem:
the stench of weed and homelessness
invades my nose
as i walk up the steps
into the florescent darkness of the twentyfour-x.
i scan the area,
the fuzzy blue chairs
the familiar space.
i see those lights.
the tower of tiny squares of light


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