Tuesday, March 31, 2009


random memory:
when i was younger,
around 6th grade
i had this book that told me about my body and such and such
and they talked about how we'd grow hair on our body.
i guess i read that section incorrectly,
because for the longest time
i thought it was called public hair.
and it really confused me
why would something you'd want to be kept hidden called public??

spring break was fun.
new york is cool.
i want to go back
cupcake cafe has the best frosting.
the empire state building
chibi. so soft, but such a horrible case of halitosis
"let's hit up magnolia's and mack on some cupcakes"
oh marc, you're wonderful
a raindrop fell into my eye
we saw mary poppins!cousin jenny.
thanks to her new york was great.
times square.
this steak was 45$.

i ate so so so much in NY.

the weather is getting warmer
people are shedding their layers of clothes.
it's time to get fit for a swimsuit.

Monday, March 23, 2009


couldn't leave today.

went to the airport at 6,
found out my first flight was overbooked,
waited for the next one.
that was overbooked too.
so was the 1030 one
and the one after that
and the one after that.
the man at customer service just told me to go home.

so i went home.
and slept.

we'll try again tomorrow.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

like knives



Friday, March 20, 2009

i just want you to know

Santa Barbara,
i'm leaving you for a while
to go back home and see my family
then fly across the country
to enjoy the hustle and bustle of New York.
but when i come back
i expect the sun to be shining
and the sky to be blue.
the days will be beautiful,
spend lazily by the pool,
catching up on reading and tanning.
the beach will be filled with beautiful people
riding the waves
and just soaking in the wonderfulness.
i'll buy some baby oil
so i won't have to worry about the troublesome
tar i'll build up on the soles of my feet
from walking through the warm sands.
the swimsuit i bought today will be here,
patiently waiting to be worn,
to also enjoy the sand and the sea
or the concrete and chlorine,
santa barbara,
i'll be gone for a while.
don't be too exciting while i'm away.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

i was born (a unicorn)

i was thinking about making a birthday list.
in fact, i actually did make one.
it looked pretty cool
i drew pictures and everything.
and then i realized
there was no point to it.
all it would do is raise my expectancy for presents.
i didn't even think about birthday presents until recently.
i don't want to expect people to get me anything at all.
a good day will just be a sunny, carefree day.
thank goodness finals will be over.

but until then,
i will be studying.
today iwas in the library from 2-10pm.
it was pretty horrible, but extremely productive.
the worst thing about it though,
was not having anyone to talk to.
all i wanted to do was utter a couple of useless words to someone,
but there was no one i knew that was on the fourth floor of the davidson library.
in the midst of all those people.

i thought of a poem:
the stench of weed and homelessness
invades my nose
as i walk up the steps
into the florescent darkness of the twentyfour-x.
i scan the area,
the fuzzy blue chairs
the familiar space.
i see those lights.
the tower of tiny squares of light


Friday, March 13, 2009

sleep on needles

so lately,
i've been having dreams about waking up,
getting out of bed,
and just doing random everyday things.

i hate it
i really can't stand it,
because now
when i do get up
i'm not even sure if i'm actually awake.
i half expect to wake up again.

and this time,
i did try to get up once,
but i couldn't.
i had total sleep paralysis
which i have never had before.

sleeping just makes me tired now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


this is just a reminder for me later,
for when i get my laptop back.

ideekay maibffjill

[15:38] Sylvea Wong: dude
[15:38] Sylvea Wong: all i ever do is listen to quiet music
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: ALL THE TIME
[15:39] MYNAMEISFURR: can you
[15:39] MYNAMEISFURR: put a lot
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: oh and also. sufjan stevens!
[15:39] MYNAMEISFURR: in the hlasyh frhj
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: on the flsdhdrive?
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: haha
[15:39] MYNAMEISFURR: yes!
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: you crazy
[15:39] MYNAMEISFURR: its caeuse
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: one hand
[15:39] MYNAMEISFURR: i'm typing w one ha
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: is blowing the hair?
[15:39] MYNAMEISFURR: yes!]\
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: and so your typing with one hand
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: hahahahahah
[15:39] Sylvea Wong: i know you so well
[15:39] MYNAMEISFURR: yes!
[15:40] Sylvea Wong: remember when we used to talk with our mouths closed?
[15:40] Sylvea Wong: hahahaha
[15:40] MYNAMEISFURR: yea2!w'
[15:40] Sylvea Wong: now we can talk without typing

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


a lot of foreign people have them.

i wish i could understand all of the blogs i see


how did i know?

i think there are drunk kids out in my hall.

but finally,

the weather does not lie.

it was supposed to rain monday and tuesday,

but all we got were sunny skies.


(sarcasm, by the way)


i want to learn Norwegian.

or just go to norway, at least.

it seems like a beautiful place.


i don't know that.

i loved rohl dahl, and sondre lerche.

that is all i am basing norway on right now.

julian perretta is the new LOML.

he's beautiful,
and i love his music.
and his hair,
and his lip ring.

this is too much, it's everywhere,
it's late.

i'm going to fall asleep in greek myth tomorrow, i know it.
but i don't want to.
i'll try not to.

this was an amazing day
a very very long time ago
in a beautiful place.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

always love

hate will get you every time.

Monday, March 2, 2009

i watched it last night with ryan and his roommates
at IV theatre for 2 bucks.
i liked it.
i chuckled a lot

biking home was amazing/creepy/wtf
as we walked out of the theatre,
we commented on how strangely warm it was-
it felt like summer again,
but it was windy.
so i start biking, just minding my own business
when out of nowhere
there was this amazing flash of lightning
the whole sky just turned white
and the thunder sounded like a cannonball.
all the streetlights and the lights in the building flicker off and on,
and as i continued biking, the lights just continued flickering,
the warm breeze silently blowing through my hair.

it was really crazy and amazing.
as i biked along camino corto i just prayed to God
that He'd let the lightning come again,
considering camino corto is the perfect place to see anything in the sky,
since the land is so flat.

there were no more after that one time.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


does not mean delicious.

original special k, soymilk, craisins

so gross.

i think i'm lactose intolerant,

as most asians are.

so i'm trying to like soymilk

it's not working.

i'm just going to stick with special k red berries and lowfat milk.

time to buy milk.

i finally got my first 35mm roll developed

and i made a panoramic picture:

thank God for costco.

something's different

finally got to reading the bible again

finished 2 peter

and i'm getting a really strong sense of conviction,

which is extremely appropriate in my current situation.

hopefully this is the slap in the face i need

to get my head straight.