Saturday, January 24, 2009

i just want you to know

the housing process is very drama-filled, strangely.
for example-
i have a friend,
who recently placed a lease on a GREAT place,
with people he gets along with really well.
there are a bunch of them,
and they are all friends.
there is one person they don't like so much,
but to be nice,
they let this guy sign the lease with them.
no one really wants to live with him.
he is a messy bessy.
the guys don't know what to do about this.
it'll be an awkward living arrangement if this guy lives with them next year,
but it's kind of mean to just kick him out, ya know?

my friend doesn't really like conflict,
so he is agreeing to be the guys roommate
for next year.
it's not that big of a deal to him.

let's see what happens.

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