Sunday, July 6, 2008

how deep is your love

went out to lunch with tonyjoo today
had some panini's at andersen bakery
and clam chowder.

walked over to borders,
flipped through some magazines,
met up with sb and justin.

back to my house,
buffed justin's nails,
gave him and tony hand massages.

drove over to stefan's
helped him paint his room.
i have paint all over me,
it wont come off easily.

i really want a new camera
a smaller one
that will be easy to carry around
then i'd take pictures of everything
of my whole day
then just photoblog.
no words necessary.
thousands expressed through pictures.

tonyjoo sent me a youtube video
of john fruciante singing how deep is your love
it's a beautiful song

makes you want to be close to someone.

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