Thursday, July 31, 2008

field trip

we took the kids to the exploratorium today,
and to the tactile dome,
which is this kind of maze that you have to try to get through
but it's in total darkness.
so you have to feel your way out,
climbing up ropes and sliding down tunnels..
pretty cool

we also went to ocean beach.
trying to keep track of six kids at once is a very difficult task.
trying to get kids to stay out of the water is also difficult.
that's Bob.
he's funny.

i was trying to be artsy.
joshua is probably my favorite.

the weather was typical Sf weather,
cold and muggy,
but the water was amazingly clear,
and we all had a pretty good time.

so a while ago,
i entered this photo contest called
"pets who look like their owners"
and i won the grand prize,
which was free dog food for a year.

it had been a really long time since i got my prize
so i figured they had forgotten or whatever
but it was ok, cause my dogs don't even eat that much anyway..

i went out and got the mail
and i see a letter for me from this animal thing
and inside,
is a 500$ check to fulfill the year's worth of dog food.

keep getting all this money..
God certainly is looking out for me.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

bible thumpers

i bought a bible today for cambodia.
something small so we can pack it in our bags
and the communists won't take it away.
you know,
the bible is really interesting.
the old testament is full of crazy stories
of men with a dozen wives
and stories of these tiny armies beating giants.
i really want to take a religious studies sometimes in school,
see how other religions work and what they believe..

we were driving around the fremont hub.
and we saw this van-
not the type of Christian want people to see me as.

Monday, July 28, 2008

better with color

four more days,

then i'm off to the third world.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

i think it's time.

i just don't know how to do it,
or if i really want to.

some random photos:

snack snack snack..
cute, stupid little snack.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

life without pants

went to this concert for worldvision today
we left before the second band finished their set.

something's been wrong with my digestive system.
i need to eat healthier.
and not at three in the morning.

we watched step brother's at midnight
it was pretty hilarious.

I really do like church
i think our Em services are great.
i wish more people could appreciate it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


i love it.

not only can i take myself wherever i want to go,
but my parents trust me so much more.

i went to the eye doctor today,
(all by myself!)
turns out i have a slight astigmatism,
that's why my contacts always feel so blurry.
my mom reimbursed me for the appointment,
and also my brother's,
and also my order for new contacts.
when my dad came home,
he handed me an envelope from my grandmother with 500$!

i don't what i did,
but God must be happy with me.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


i will never take them for granted again.
there are so many uses for fingernails,
having two super short nails feels so restricting.
i can't do anything.

i'm in love with this is ivy league.
so good..

am i wasting my time with this?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

summer camp

buck-toothed cuties.

bonfires with long exposure cameras are the best.

Paris, Je T'aime is the movie of the week.

Step Up 2 was pretty good,

Golden Compass was bleh.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

rob bell: rain

this video has definately given me a new perspective
concerning my relationship with Jesus Christ.

Friday, July 18, 2008

the dark knight

i don't know,
maybe i was just really tired or something,
but i didn't think it was as good as everyone is saying.

i fell asleep for a couple minutes.

heath ledger was amazing in it though,
and so was aaron eckhart.

maggie gyllenhaal?
she is no katie holmes.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

what are you waiting for?

the past two days have been pretty much the same:
summer academy,
working out at joodub's,

yesterday i took this stuff called N.O-xplode
to make me work out better
it really does work.

my arms are extremely sore,
and the veins on my hands look crazy.

lucy's breath stinks.
i think she's pregnant.
that means puppies!!

i wish was going to the beach tomorrow
but i'm excited for surna's birthday.

the situation is getting..
not out of hand.
i'm not sure what it is,
but i'm not complaining.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

gaucho: an Argentinian cowboy

orientation was chill
the weather sucked.
the beach was right next to the residence hall
but i didn't see it at all because of all the fog.
ash kept falling from the sky
and the power went out because of the fires
didn't get to visit isla vista yet.

other than that,
it was fun
the people there are really nice
and i can't wait to get a bike.

i got a new camera right before i left
but i only took about three pictures

snack, right before we dropped her off at my halmonee's

the sky wasn't actually red,
i took this from behind my sunglasses cause it looked cool.

i was kind of bored before i went to sleep
and the hallway looked lighweight creepy.

there are a lot of doors
a lot of opportunities
i'm excited/nervous.

when we got home,
my brother was saying something
and i heard him say
'she's a college student now'
and my heart kind of dropped.

i'm a college student now.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

how deep is your love

went out to lunch with tonyjoo today
had some panini's at andersen bakery
and clam chowder.

walked over to borders,
flipped through some magazines,
met up with sb and justin.

back to my house,
buffed justin's nails,
gave him and tony hand massages.

drove over to stefan's
helped him paint his room.
i have paint all over me,
it wont come off easily.

i really want a new camera
a smaller one
that will be easy to carry around
then i'd take pictures of everything
of my whole day
then just photoblog.
no words necessary.
thousands expressed through pictures.

tonyjoo sent me a youtube video
of john fruciante singing how deep is your love
it's a beautiful song

makes you want to be close to someone.

Friday, July 4, 2008

fourth of july

woke up at 1250,

went to sb's house,

bbq with Em

looked for lizards in the creek with the EM guys


chilled for a long time

tried to go to party with S&m and natasha

found a stray dog

m wanted to save it

everytime we went near it
it barked
but everytime we walked away it followed.
we tried driving away
but it would start walking in front of the car
so we opened the car door
and then it went in our car,

couldnt get it out

so we took it all the way to hayward

went to the party

they didnt like the party

so we left

went to hayward animal shelter

dropped off fox.

i miss him

cameback to sb's

too late, already lit all the fireworks.

now we're chillin in my room

watching jeeae teach tonyjoo how to dance.

beautiful boy

wednesday night i went out to dinner with my family

we went to this small korean restaurant in hayward.

my dad saw a man he knew,

and when my dad introduced my brother and i,

the man just commented on how beautiful my brother's eyes were,

and how much he resembled some korean actor.

then after that man left,

my dad saw this other man he knew,

and again

this man commented on my brother's beauty.

and me?

"oh, you're eighteen?

you don't look a year over fifteen"


i hate how now that it's over,

kind of,

i'm thinking about it more

and missing it more.

but what am i to do?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

i see red, violent red

today was fun.
sushi boat with s,
washed my car at joodub's,
target with s&m,
fishing under the dumbarton with thirstys,
mexican food,
then watched pain olympics are joo's.

then i came home,
and guess what?

all my clothes are gone,
except for the red ones.
i know who did this...
but what i have yet to learn
is where they put my clothes.
i'm the lady in red.