Sunday, October 24, 2010

i didn’t even know it was possible to wake up from a dream crying.

well, i guess if it’s happened with laughing in my sleep, the opposite could occur.


  • me being sick in Sweden & having to call the cops/ambulance
  • the cop car getting hijacked by a robber(?)
  • people right next to me getting shot
  • me almost getting shot
  • people trying to help us
  • my having the opportunity to shot the bad guy
  • not being able to shoot the bad guy because i can’t kill anyone
  • so i shoot at the air instead to prevent anyone else getting hurt
  • last bullet ending up in bad guy’s neck because someone grabs the gun from me
  • finally being reunited with my family
  • trying to cope with the aftermath of what just happened
  • family dinner/funeral
  • Aunt who passed away last December makes a cameo (she never died in my dream, but every time i dream about her it evokes a lot of emotion)
  • dad and cousin fighting over nothing
  • dishes breaking
  • trying to keep my cool
  • emotional breakdown
  • mom rubbing my back telling me that it’s okay to cry in situations like this

then i actually wake up sobbing.

this might be in connection with me Skyping with my mom slightly buzzed at 5am last night/morning. i guess i really miss her more than my conscious self realizes..

and damn, my dreams are way too vivid.

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