Thursday, November 20, 2008

let's pretend

i kept thinking today was friday
this week went by so slowly,
yet i'm freaked out by the fact that it's going to be monday
really really soon,
meaning i need to write my history term paper.

i feel like i don't study as much as everyone else.
scratch that, i don't study as much as everyone else.
after i took all my midterms,
for some reason my mind has convinced itself
that i don't need to worry about school anymore.
not a good mindset.

during sociology today i was thinking about maureen
and what i would get her for christmas
i got thinking to peter pan and alice in wonderland
so after class i went to the library and checked out peter pan
and two different versions of alice in wonderland
one of them, is the original version of the story,
which is called alice's adventures underground
the whole book is handwritten by lewish carroll,
for this little girl, alice.

how amazing would it be
to have a story written for me
and then later to have become such a huge success.
the author would def. be my favorite person forever.
<3 lewis carroll

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

many of the Davies boys for whom Peter Pan found it to be a wearisome burden to be associated with the story all the time.
And so did Alice Liddell - she resented it her whole life.

By the way... for more Peter Pan adventure that's VERY different from all the rest... just click my name!