Wednesday, November 12, 2008


it's our neighbor's birthday.
we decorated his door.

my 'cousin' brandon visited me today
he bought me a fridge.
pretty effing sweet.
and then he sort of shared his testimony with me.
i guess he recently joined this church
that mainstream people would call a 'heresy church'
and the way he describes it,
it just seems like any other church,
but with more of an emphasis on Satan's presence.
not so sure.
i'm glad he's confirmed his faith,
and in a way,
his testimony reassured me in mine.
he kept telling me how he wasn't trying to make me join his church,
but he gave me a dvd and told me to watch it.
(i probably won't)
but i mean,
isn't it all the same?
we all have the belief that Jesus is Christ,
and only through him we are saved.
It's just the way we interpret the word,
but essentially,
all that matters is whether we are saved or not, right?

i have to write a paper
of a religion of someone in my family.
i was going to choose my mom..
but i might change my mind-
brandon has so much to say about his beliefs,
and my mom doesn't have much time..

1 comment:

kangsam said...


looks like you're enjoying school... well... the fun part of school!! <333