Saturday, February 28, 2009

money in his hand

i am not building my foundation on rock.

it's being built on my own personal and selfish desires

materialistic and vain.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

your brother is my only hope

i have so much reading.


i wouldn't if i had done it all on time.


i'm pretty much over high school.

i enjoy thinking about the pleasant memories of back then,

but please don't take it the wrong way

when i say i don't really miss you.


there's not really many ways to take it.

i don't miss you.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

there's room for you

i need to simplify my life.

get rid of junk

stop buying useless things.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

make your mind up

i prefer when people are a mystery.

there is a sort of attractiveness about not knowing anything about someone

but i always want to find out more about them.

and then they're not so interesting

because they're not as mysterious as they used to be.

it's a real problem.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

eh eh (nothing else i can say)

i feel negligent.

my blog is ugly.
my room is messy
i haven't been doing my readings.
i haven't been reading my bible!

everything feels blah.

i blame this on my lack of effort on my walk with God.

i have a job interview tomorrow.

Monday, February 2, 2009


some of this is out of order.
my blogging is not very neat when it comes to adding a bunch of pictures.

all last week,
i kept having this weird feeling that this weekend would be a very very good one..
needless to say,
i had a great weekend.

nancy and i watched two films at the santa barbara international film festival
friday's sbiff film:
the necessities of life
a french-canadian film.
i give it a 5.
beautiful and bittersweet.

that night i went to a show at the BIKO house with my friend ryan..
we saw this band called FootFoot
it's this girl and her husband..
sounds indie folk-ish.
it was pretty good.

did some decorating with amy...

had some amazing sushi with nancy
(the arigato and the blue-man--MANGO!)

saturday's film:
treeless mountain-
a korean film.
the direction was similar to that of sofia coppola;
beautiful, little dialogue, inconclusive.

walked to the butterfly preservesb beaches suck 'cause there is tar everywhere.
yuck yuck yuck.trillions of monarch butterfliesthen i got pooed on
sadface for days.

on saturday an extremely nice person gave me a pass for four free movies.
so on sunday ryan and i went to watch two movies
the man who loved yngve-
a norweigen film about some teenage rockers.
pretty good.
i'd give it a 4a british film about two women in a psychiatric hospital.
very, very tragic, but had some humor.

after we got out of the first movie,
a nice man handed us another free pass!
so we decided to go and watch the closing film-
an american film about an inventor.there's the red carpet!
unfortch, we didn't see any famous people.

then to end off a perfect weekend,
we stumbled upon this amazing guitarist in a parking garage.


last week (or last last week, i can't remember)
someone microwaved cup noodles
without water.
some time earlier someone set a popcorn bag on fire by microwaving for too long.
so i wrote a note.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

best weekend ever-

blog later.