Sunday, November 30, 2008


so full
feel fat
too lazy
to blog
or read
can't sleep
got hiccups
and heartburn.
doesn't matter
my life's great
i'm blessed
to even have
such good food.
shouldn't be
about such
minute bothers
when in this world
there is so much more
pain and suffering.
while i have never
felt so full
kids exist
who have never
even felt
full at all.

it's amazing,
how it's possible that we as americans,
who make up only ten percent of the world,
consume more than half of what is produced in the world.

we thrive off poverty.

Friday, November 28, 2008

you're my best friend

my blogs about this weekend is out of order.
this is thanksgiving night, after dinner.
maureen and sylvea came over.
i've missed them..

mo' problems.
not their friend anymore.
so cute.

heroin kills.

so sad. so so so sad.
this is my favorite normal looking picture of us.
minus the ugly border
they throw up rainbows.

i'll blog about thanksgiving after i get my pictures from my camera uploaded.
i'm lazy and pooped.
goodnight world.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

friend is a four letter word

i love my family
i love my friends.

i'm thankful for my life
and all that is in it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

those who trust

in the Lord
are a strong mountain
they will not, not be moved.

i am so so so thankful that i joined intervarsity.
every week, i learn something new and amazing,
and i feel so blessed to be here in santa barbara.

friday night common ground is awesome.
the whole service is so chill,
and the speakers always say something inspiring.

last night we had a pastor from a church come speak,
and he told us that God's plans are never what we have planned.
this i've known for a while,
which i why i have no plans whatsoever for my future.
i'm just going with the flow.

he told us to be open for what God has planned for us,
but the thing that scares me,
is what if i don't want to do what God calls me to do?
i know He wouldn't ever give me what i can't handle
but i'm a coward. i'm afraid of what He has planned.

then he called us all who felt called by God
to come forward to where he was
and to be anointed with oil.
as i stood in the line to be prayed for,
this song was being played,
about how we are not worthy,
but His mercy is plentiful,
and we should not be afraid.

i'm trying to muster up all of the courage i have
to take on what life's gonna bring,
and i'm thankful to know
that i have so many people supporting me,
and that i'm not alone in this journey.

Friday, November 21, 2008

hanging by a moment

my blogs are so superficial it's ridiculous
everything i write about is quite superflous.

everyone else has such smart things to say
all i ever write about is what happened in my day.

nancy and i are pulling an all nighter tonight.
good luck to us. i'm going to try with all my might.

have you noticed, i'm trying to write in rhyme?
dr. seuss, he's my favorite, my all time.

alright, i've wasted enough time.
psh. what am i saying?
i've got all the time i need,
yet i can't get myself to do anything worthwhile.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

let's pretend

i kept thinking today was friday
this week went by so slowly,
yet i'm freaked out by the fact that it's going to be monday
really really soon,
meaning i need to write my history term paper.

i feel like i don't study as much as everyone else.
scratch that, i don't study as much as everyone else.
after i took all my midterms,
for some reason my mind has convinced itself
that i don't need to worry about school anymore.
not a good mindset.

during sociology today i was thinking about maureen
and what i would get her for christmas
i got thinking to peter pan and alice in wonderland
so after class i went to the library and checked out peter pan
and two different versions of alice in wonderland
one of them, is the original version of the story,
which is called alice's adventures underground
the whole book is handwritten by lewish carroll,
for this little girl, alice.

how amazing would it be
to have a story written for me
and then later to have become such a huge success.
the author would def. be my favorite person forever.
<3 lewis carroll

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

maniac monday

longest. monday. ever.

midnight hike, anyone?
indian burial grounds
apparently this is a really high tech oil rig:collegio pointreach for the stars.
today was a pretty long tuesday, too.
not as long as yesterday, though.
time for yoga.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

California's Burning

the tea fire (thursday night)
taken from the 10th floor of my building
happy birthday andrew lamtall alex makes tall cones.
fourth floor
"the floor that kicks together, sticks together"steven and michael.
my pretend bffs.better my bike than me, i say.

today was a pretty fun day.
had in-n-out for the first time since summer,
and then adam's house for some pre-thanksgiving dinner. (yum)we found a hannah montana poster in front of someone's house
they let us keep itsean apparently loves hannah,
so we went to albertson's and bought mountain dew, code red, and mountain maze
i bought creamsicles (yum)
and we stole a bunch of free muffin samples (double yum)
and created a shrine in front of his door.

all that we have will be gone.."
tonight's speaker told us that,
referring to the tea fires that destroyed hundreds of homes.
so i've decided,
i'm not going to participate in the 450billion dollar consumerist christmas,
spending money on gifts that my friends probably won't like.
i will spend a smaller amount of money
and use my crafting skills to create something more meaningful.

they say christmas is about giving,
but what's the use of giving impersonal presents?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


it's our neighbor's birthday.
we decorated his door.

my 'cousin' brandon visited me today
he bought me a fridge.
pretty effing sweet.
and then he sort of shared his testimony with me.
i guess he recently joined this church
that mainstream people would call a 'heresy church'
and the way he describes it,
it just seems like any other church,
but with more of an emphasis on Satan's presence.
not so sure.
i'm glad he's confirmed his faith,
and in a way,
his testimony reassured me in mine.
he kept telling me how he wasn't trying to make me join his church,
but he gave me a dvd and told me to watch it.
(i probably won't)
but i mean,
isn't it all the same?
we all have the belief that Jesus is Christ,
and only through him we are saved.
It's just the way we interpret the word,
but essentially,
all that matters is whether we are saved or not, right?

i have to write a paper
of a religion of someone in my family.
i was going to choose my mom..
but i might change my mind-
brandon has so much to say about his beliefs,
and my mom doesn't have much time..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i'm really bad at beer pong.
i actually was a troll last night-
so disappointing.
fernando and lily
everyone agrees-
fernando is the best looking in the house.andy chan-
he's at the bottom of our list.
he looks like a weasel.
check out his new piercing:joshua-
second best.yunji and lily
two very fun girls.

scott's the other guy in the house, he's a great dancer.
i napped on his bed,
and then at four thirty in the am,
i biked home.
i know i could have stayed at MTNastyFace's house,
but he didn't answer, for good reason.
oh well, my bed was nice, although for some reason
there were a bunch of envelopes strewn across my bed
i just slept on them...

veteran's day, what do we do?
shop, of course. there was a farmer's market,
where we got free samples.

and then i spent way to much money on i don't even know whati bought this coat rack.
it was on sale.
and if you know me at all,
you know i'm a sucker for sales.

i realize i have to do reading for class tomorrow.
so what do i do?
everything else possible, except for my reading.
like this:nancy did the artwork (it's a whirlpool!)i made the shelf
and then i tidied up the room.
this is our kitchen:

time to do work.

Monday, November 10, 2008

late nights

oh shooooot.
i never stay up this late.
it's 'cause i'm a dummy
and i procrastinated.
i had my world history homework assigned on monday
and i freaking waited till tonight-
monday- to do this shit.
i did half of it-
which was to read about sixty pages
about the greek, chinese and roman empires
and answer questions.
the other half..
i will do tomorrow
i mean, later today.
a two page outline of my term paper.
eff my life.

look at that.
i have a zombie leg.
up close, it looks like ogre skin.
nancy says it looks like meat.

i like this guy
i like the music he chooses to dance to.
that's mainly why i like him.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

picture this

'cause i slid down the side of a mountain.
the end is beautiful.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

friday on my mind

friday-intervarsity common ground
we played sardines around campus
ryan was my partner
we had the greatest time,
went to the roof of hssb,
found metal alien detectors,
and snow!
then we went to dp
to hang out at the Jesus burgers station
so chill there, i really like it.
then ryan walked me home,
chilled with my floormates.
nancy's gone home for the weekend, so it's pretty quiet.
we went hiking today with my floor
it was intense.
same route as the first time i went hiking,
but more people.
and i almost died.
i slid down the side of the mountain.
my leg looks gross.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

nine in the afternoon

the only four digits
that are in my bank account
has a period in the middle.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

nevermind the phonecalls

some random phone pictures:

this is the front of my building during halloween weekend.
you can't see it very well,
but there's a chain link fence that goes around the whole property.
it was tomake sure we didn't sneak anyone in

did you know,
an estimated 45,000 outsiders came to IV for halloween weekend?
that's a lot of people.

this was in our dining commons during halloween
pretty cute.for some unknown reason,
MTnasty and i thought it was a good idea to mix rice, toothpaste, and flour.
it's not a good idea.
it tastes horrible.
mike made a snowman out of our concoction

then we made actually sad attempt at a vase (pronounced vAHse).

omgmybffjewcake sent me a boxful of muddy bears,
chocolate covered gummy bears.

word up. today,
instead of doing anything academic during my three hour free time,
i decided to make handprint turkeys to decorate my door in honor of november.
i didn't have any autumn-flavored colors,
so i had to make due.

today is/was election day.
a bunch of food places gave out free food.
i got a cup of coffee from starbucks,and some free woodstocks's cinnabread!
appropriately decorated with red,white,and blue sprinkles.
i heard from one of the employees
that they made around 2,300 cinnabreads today.
that's a lot.

Congratulations, President Obama.
Yes we did.