Friday, October 31, 2008

this is halloween

halloween is here.

emilio is our RA.
he did not write this.

i baked a cake for the first time.
the gummi bears are ballroom dancing
and there is a moshpit.
i'm impossible: a flying pig
nancy is on her honeymooncatch the bride!

some of the people on our floor
zombie flash mob on DP!
soo many people on the streets
ended up at andy's house at the end of the night
and just danced,
had fun with some out-of-towners.

last night was great fun
tonight should be great.
i'm excited to see how many more people will be on the streets.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

time is running out


two midterms tomorrow
one midterm on thursday
halloween on friday.

this weekend is going to be amazing.

Monday, October 27, 2008

jordan&sufi, ftw.

the extremely anemic vegan.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

city of love

glow in the dark nail polishstate street

costume shopping

happy halloween
creation of man/ beerpong
walking home is horrible on a cold night

Thursday, October 23, 2008

what we hate, we make

so these pictures don't even begin to portray the plethora of bikes that are in SB.
it's amazing.

parking in front of my dorms

storke plaza.
it's not rush hour,
so there's not as many people here.
every hour there's loads of traffic,
and you really gotta know where you're going,
or else something bad will happen.
or not.

thank God,
i haven't gotten in any sort of bike accident.
i see one at least twice a week.

it's soooo hard trying to cross the path shown above right after class.
bikes have the right of way here.

so this post is meaningless.
i just really don't want to write my paragraph due in an hour.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

this week the trend

i'm trying to subltly flip the bird at nancy, that jerk.
lightweight fail.
but hey! the sky's amazing.went to an intermural basketball game
the team we were rooting for lost horribly.
the score was somewhere around 20 and sixty

got dinner at eight,
then ate again at late night at nine.

met up with andrew, who didn't have his bike
so he rode nancy's
while she rode, fail, epic fail.

she fell off,
he crashed into a car.

old picture(s) of the day:
that's my mom in the blue hat.
that hat i'm wearing is a felix the cat hat.
my favorite hat when i was young.
those boots were my favorites brother.
he was a cute one.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

dance like David danced.

so this weekend
i went to malibu
with intervarsity christian fellowship.
so glad i went.

we got to the place a bit early,
so we stopped by a beach.
i have never seen so many surfers in one place.
the waves were amazing.
as if they were machine powered in perfect timing..

then we took a quick drive through pepperdine university
such a nice campus
the view is pretty breathtaking..
they have deer there!
all we have in sb are raccoons and skunk.

so we get to the salvation army campsite,
and it's really chill.
a bunch of different fellowships from different schools around socal.

the first morning,
i'm sitting outside, and i just finished my devotional
and i look up past the trees
and this is what i see:
way up at the highest peak of the mountain,
i see a cross standing there so proudly.

that night, we played games.
i have a new favorite.
my old favorite was craniumhoopla is from the makers of cranium,
so of course it's amazing.

the speaker, una lucy-lee
was amazing.
worship..was different from what i'm used to-
they sang a lot of spanish songs..

so best part of the whole thing.
saturday night someone makes an announcement:
sunday morning, at four am,
there's going to be a hike
to watch the sun rise.

four am-
pretty damn early.
my phone died, so i had no means of waking up,
since no one else in my cabin wanted to go.
someone was kind enough to let me borrow her phone as an alarm.

this hike.
went up to that cross i saw the morning before.

it was so intense.
the ground was rocky,
and every so often i'd step on a spot that would just crumble,
almost making me fall.
we climbed up an almost 50 degree mountain side
afraid to look down.
but throughout the whole experience
all i could think about was just how amazing it was.
how we are able to scale mountains,
watch the sun rise
and just see God's glory.

this conference was really different from what i've been to before.
i didn't leave with neccesarily a fire for God,
like it's typically been.
i came back with an appreciation and a new outlook on what God's done
and i'm starting a new chapter of my life.
of this story God is writing.

see that peak, up next to the tree on the left?
that's where i stood, no- danced and sang,
as i and thirty other brothers and sisters
marveled at the glory of God.

"risk and vulnerability.
be open and honest when you go to God
and take chances- He'll be there to catch you if you fall.

Friday, October 17, 2008

i wish


this is how i spent thursday night:

brushing my teeth with tonyjoo via mebeam.

what a life!

in other news,
midterms are coming up.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

time after time

i find myself with a lot of time on my hands.

nothing to do.
i need to make more friends.
go to the gym.

rosie's fifteenth birthday.
we ran out of candles.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

she's the blade

feels good.

there are some people in this world
that just rub me the wrong way.
you are one of them.
it makes me feel bad to be like this,
but you're presence and attitude just irritates me.

i miss her.
not him.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Trail Blazing

so today we went hiking
with our hallmates.
it seemed more like rock climbing.
we left at 1, got back at 5:30.
nancy and i missed our first racquetball game.
good thing we were playing each other.

dead ends
photoshoot breaks
hardcore rock climbing. forreals.
we reach a pool that wasn't stagnant

guys took a quick dip in the ice cold water
trying to get down sucked too.
nature truly is amazing
tylor, "I LOVE NATURE!!"

we climbed down a dried out waterfall.
so effing amazinglook at that.
we climbed all the way down.

in the end,
we all ended up with scraped knees,
dirty bodies,
and sore muscles,
but it was so worth the struggle.
i never would have imagined going on such an amazing journey.

it doesn't feel like it's already october-
it still feels like summer.

i heart SB.

Saturdays = Youth

finally got these two out after moping around at home
storke tower
racquetball champs..
too bad we missed our first game.
we got stuck in a mountain.
he's banned from all liquor stores.
he stuck a butterknife in his non-eye
then waved the knife at michael.
he sang to us with his harmonica.