Friday, August 29, 2008

watching the world wake up

today was an extremely full day.
i woke up at five in the morning,
before even the sun rose
and went up mission peak with my dad and his friend.
i couldnt keep up with them,
so i walked up at my own pace.
i got to a bench that overlooked what seemed like the whole world
and just sat, watching the sky get brighter
and the streetlights start going out.
it was really windy,
and since it's been pretty dry there was a lot of dust clouds,
so i sat on the bench,
closed my eyes,
and just let the dust engulf me as i listened to the wind pass by.
it's such a calming experience..

then at twelve i went out to lunch with sylvea, maureen, and sean at koi
free lunch!
the owner, who is my dad's friend
said he would give me a free meal with my friends one day as a graduation present.

after lunch sylvea and i went to get some pictures printed
and chilled at wal mart for about an hour

i dropped sylvea off and at four i met up with sb and stephanie ko
and we went to berkely to visit wee!
we had a bunch of fun, eating and window shopping,
then we went home,
and at about nine i went and wathed pineappleexpress with tonyjoo

pineapple express is hilarious.

after laughing our asses off, we were hungry
so we went to los gallos
i've missed mexican food.

today was a great day.

hopefully the rest of the end of the summer will be as good,
God willing.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"so, where are you headed today?

asked the airport security man as he looked at my passport.

unable to hide my smile, i replied
"i'm going home."

i love being home. except for the fact that i already have three bug bites, whereas in cambodia/vietnam/and korea i only got bit a total of three times in twenty six days.
i've only been in the US for two. =[

i have a lot i want to blog,
but it's a bit too hot to think.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

psalms 94:1-2

i saw a shirt at a mall today. it was a really ugly shirt, and the only reason it caught my eye was because it was hot pink and had my name written really big across the chest. right under that was a bible verse- psalms 94:1-2

i just looked it up,
and here's what it says:

O LORD, the God who avenges,
O God who avenges, shine forth.
Rise up, O Judge of the earth;

back to the proud what they deserve.

i'm not quite sure what this verse means.. i'll keep it in mind though.

it's a little bit funny

how emotional i get when the team i'm rooting for wins an olympic medal..

Monday, August 18, 2008


everyone probably knows this already,
but i love korea.
i love that everything about it here feels familiar, even though i know for sure i will get lost if i try to go anywhere by myself.
i love that the shopping here is so great.
i love that food places serve portions that aren't huge like in america
i love the weather, as erratic as it may be
i love having family here
i love that you can get almost any kind of food delivered directly to you, even on the beach
i love korea.

i do miss home very much.
i miss my mom, i miss her yelling at me whenever i come home late
i miss driving!
and just everything.

i feel like i'm missing out on the whole world right now.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

ah khoon preya

the missionary in cambodia told us that caombodians compare vietnam and cambodia to heaven and hell.

i can definately see where that comes from.

since we've been in vietnam,
various members of the church we were serving at have treated us out to amazing dinners,
and the two star hotel we are staying at seems like a five star.

i do miss home though.

i've never actually missed my parents while i've been travelling,
but i have to admit,
their presence is greatly missed.

we're leaving to korea tomorrow,
but mission trip's not over till the 19th-
we'll be visiting some homes for handicaps
and i'm not sure what else.

sarahbrown, tonyjoo
i miss you two.
i accidently drank the water in cambodia
uh oh, poo poo.
tmi, yes i know
but it reminded me of you

Friday, August 1, 2008

in a few hours

i will be on my way to vietnam,
then on a seven hour nonstop drive to cambodia.

i don't know what we're doing there,
but i know God's got it all planned out for us..

i wish i didn't feel so weak about this trip
i've been freaking out for the past two hours,
hoping i have everything packed
not forgetting a single thing.

i'm really praying i don't get sick..
mr. rhee arrived this morning
my plane right is going to be great.
i'll be sitting in my seat,
in the fetal position
writhing in pain
hoping the advil kicks in sooner.

nineteen days without the outside world-
no music,
no internet,
no perez.
it's gonna be great.